A world-premiere musical about high and low culture and the highs and lows of sisterhood.
Kira and Luna could not be more different: while Kira loves Broadway and finds the German cultural sector snooty, Luna works as a dramaturg at a state theater and thinks “real” culture is endangered by the shallow nonsense her sister makes. Twin sisters, reunited through a death in the family. Their search to come to terms with their family's legacy leads them to confront all of German cultural and theatrical history. Through a mixture of Broadway, chansons, anti-commercial songs, new-music performances, hit songs and operetta. A new musical about family ties and a life in the theater.
“[Tom van Hasselt] . . . has once again put together an interesting story and a lot of wordplay. In addition, he has written and composed great songs, and he accompanies the performance not only on the piano, but is also involved in smaller roles in the stage action. Franziska Becker and Nini Stadlmann sing and dance for all their worth through all the genres of musical entertainment. . . Brian Bell's direction relies on lots of movement and original ideas."
– Monika Everling, Haller Tagblatt 20.11.2021